速報APP / 攝影 / Photo Locker - Hide Photos.

Photo Locker - Hide Photos.


檔案大小:22.1 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Photo Locker - Hide Photos.(圖1)-速報App

Photo Locker is simply aimed to keep your photos/videos hidden from anyone who has access to your device.


• Create unlimited albums.

Photo Locker - Hide Photos.(圖2)-速報App

• Import/Export photo/video from the Photos app.

• Gallery to view photos and videos smoothly.

• Ability to move photo/video between albums.

Photo Locker - Hide Photos.(圖3)-速報App


• Use Pin/Touch ID/Face ID to restrict anyone to enter into your app.

• Individual album wise password protection.

Photo Locker - Hide Photos.(圖4)-速報App

• Change pin.

Disclaimer: Photos/Videos stored in Photo Locker are 100% private. Your photos are only stored on your device and are never uploaded to our servers. We have no ability to remotely access your photos.

Since we do not have access to any of the data or passwords stored in your app, make sure you write it down the passwords you have set for each individual albums or Pin. As we are not responsible if in case the password or pin is being forgotten by the end-users.

Photo Locker - Hide Photos.(圖5)-速報App

Photo Locker - Hide Photos.(圖6)-速報App